Acorvid staff has over a decade of experience in nuclear safety analysis at both power and legacy defense facilities, both in probabilistic and deterministic analysis. We specialize in waste characterization, flammability analysis, and hydrogen control and have supported Fire PRA preparation and review for a number of power plants in the US and Europe. Experience gained in nuclear safety analysis has been extended to address process plant safety needs.
We have experience performing:
- Dose assessments from atmospheric chemical and radiological releases,
- Chemical equilibrium modeling including combustion and radiolysis,
- Combustible gas migration analysis, and
- Mathematical modeling and scientific software development in an NQA-1 software quality assurance environment
Our mission is to support safe operation of nuclear and process facilities, to analyze facility systems and scenarios to answer difficult questions, and to help organizations make good evidence-based decisions in a timely manner. Facility safety analysis is a diverse field; contact Acorvid to see how we can help.